There is nothing I’d love more than to live in a world where I could, as a woman, speak or write explicitly about my sexuality and desires without men1 assuming this is an offer to be sexual with them, or people shaming me for any number of reasons. I’ve learned the hard way — multiple times — that this is not the world we currently live in.
I can’t wait for this to change! In the meantime, I intend to share very candid, often vulnerable accounts of events that occurred in real life, involving me and very real other humans. I have not asked their consent to write about what happened between us, and I may or may not in the future (for reasons I can explain in more detail if anyone’s interested).
And so for now, I will write anonymously, erring on the side of privacy for myself, my family, my friends, and my partners.2 I’ll change names and other details that might identify specific people.
I’m excited to add to that pool of vulnerable, personal, dare-I-say necessary public writing. As an avid reader, this feels like a necessary and healthy act of reciprocity.
Still wet,
Not all men! blah blah etc
I do wonder how choosing to write anonymously reinforces the trends of silencing women and dismissing our experiences… argh.